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Aperiduin €25 for 2 persons

There is nothing more fun or romantic than a picnic and aperitifs in our beautiful beach dunes within walking distance of Maison Noire. We are happy to help you on your way with a real "Aperiduin" package. In addition to a beach towel, you will also find a cocktail with ice cream (choose from 4 variants) or mocktail, nuts, dip with bread sticks and a varying snack. And all in reusable packaging.

Mini golf €25 for 2 persons

In a competitive mood? But did you happen to forget your running shoes at home? Then we can recommend a nice, light sporty moment. Near our B&B you will find the mini golf of Westende. You will receive all the necessities to successfully experience your game with mention of "Maison Noire" and after the effort, the welcome relaxation follows. Afterwards you can enjoy a drink and snack of your choice (worth €17). With this arrangement you will never miss a beat and you will "score" with your company anyway!

Bicycles €25 per person

Did you know that the stretch of coast from Westende to De Panne is well known for its beautiful views and perfectly equipped cycling paths?

An ideal way to discover this area. You can of course bring your own bicycle that we can store safely, if this is not possible, we provide rental bicycles. During the high season, we ask that you inform us at least 24 hours in advance or at the time of reservation if you wish to rent bicycles. These can be either traditional or electric (with a supplement), depending on your choice and the availability of our partner.

We are happy to help you on your way with a picnic backpack and route planner so that you do not miss the most beautiful places. Your picnic backpack can be picked up at breakfast or in the afternoon and can be put together according to your choice, in any case it contains richly filled sandwiches, cooled drinks, fruit, nuts and a bonus and of course all in reusable packaging and in a cool bag including picnic sheet.

If you have your own bicycles, we ask €15 for the packed lunch for 2 people.

Gift voucher

Would you like to gift an overnight stay with breakfast or an arrangement? Let Tatiana know and she will make this an unforgettable gift!

This is our own website with the best price. Click here for our accommodations or ask us your question.

Published 17-07-2022 / Copyright © Maison Noire